Tuesday, June 22, 2010

RSS Feeds & Ethical Issues

I continue to be drawn not to the educational blogs but to the parent blogs. I am drawn to their stories and not the educational nature of some blogs. With that in mind.............

OK, so technically I did not find this in my feed but in trying to find things to add to my feed. I found some interesting blogs by parents of kiddos with special needs. By looking at the sides of their blogs, I was able to find other interesting blogs. Anyway, though this I learned something new.... "pillow angel" is a term used to describe children with severe disabilities. Seems like a pretty accurate term to me. BUT, the real question is raised by the original place I found this term - in an item about a girl named Ashley. Ashley has severe disabilities and who functions as a 6 month old. You can read about her story here. Her story raises some interesting questions... certainly some ethical ones. Should a parent be able to make such great medical decisions for their child? I think that the answer ultimately comes from the parents motives. Are they making the decision out of love for their child? Will the treatment ultimately help or hurt the child? So many people fear that once the possibility is out there that it will be abused. I can understand this position, but I can also understand the position of the parent. (Well, I can understand it as much as anyone not in their position can understand it.)

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